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March 9-7, v.89

Every year on March 8, feminism and feminist concerns are suddenly in the media in a happy and encouraging kind of way. To the extent that focus on world problems can be happy and encouraging. It almost gives you hope for mankind. And then there is the rest of the year. My plan is as follows. Every week (I hope) I'm going to update this post with some of what I come across (with an emphasis on the West), pretending that the days from March 9 to 7 are also days when feminist concerns are important. I'm interested to see how it will look on March 8 2014.

If you do not click on links, you will get little out of this. Also, feel free to add to it through the comments section.

July 27: Helen Thomas died this week, which is rather sad as she was quite cool. However, the great news of the week was that a woman had a child (and not only a child, but a BOY child (which according to the brain trust of CNN makes her "brilliant"). In fact, the Duchess of Cambridge's pregnancy has done a stellar job of highlighting some very disturbing aspects of the world media (or, you know, people), and it did not get any better after the birth (seriously).

While "Jesus isn't a dick, so keep him out of my vagina" is one of the most cleverly phrased slogans I have seen, , stupid conservatives predictably did not react well. At all. Here is the 14-yearold's rather more articulate response to the abuse.

But the good news is that this week the happy notes abound (although, granted, not all of them should strictly speaking in an ideal world be worthy of note at all -- like the fact that CNN has four women discuss something not related to babies or weddings, and others are just happy against a sea of troubles): Foremost among the happy notes, a feminist who scares conservatives has been nominated as a federal judge in the US.

Here is all you need to know about Bitchy Resting Face (and why you have not heard about Resting Asshole Face). And here is a good reply to the Men's Rights Movement.

And the news that Jane Austen gets to appear on bank notes has been confirmed, meaning there will be a woman other than the queen on English bank notes (this, if there was any doubt, goes under the heading of "things that in an ideal world would not make too much of a headline", but there are no women on American bank notes, for example). On the predictably sad side, again, Caroline Criado-Perez, who headed a campaign to ensure there were women on English bank notes, is now receiving rape threats and various other disgusting attention from the trolling depths of the internet (although, sensibly, she seems to have called the cops). In a related happy note, the British Transport Police have teamed up with the Everyday Sexism project and others to prosecute the creeps on public transport, in what is called Project Guardian.

Also, how cool is Nada al-Ahdal? (Although, again, the happy note is made rather less so by the downright disturbing background.) Meanwhile, Iran seems like it may turn more woman-friendly (although the extent is still unclear).

In other news, geek girls have nothing to prove. Although, again, some areas of the internet have DEFINITELY missed the memo. There is this amazing app that can help you fix the gender imbalance of the advertising world. And, finally, there is this wonderful resource for women who do not want to look like a sexy cat or a sexy nurse or a sexy witch on Halloween (or any other costume party, I assume).

July 20: This week, I have been floating in a cocoon of Sherlock Holmes, Tour de France and all kinds of jazzy things, meaning the bad in the world has had to work to get to me. I did vaguely notice that none of the four concerts I went to earlier in the week had as single woman playing, but that may have been down to my choices. While we are on the subject of music, though: Amanda Palmer had a stellar response to the Daily Mail's boob obsession.

The story of the week, though, was that of Trayvon Martin's killer getting off scott free, and the outrage that followed (not strictly a feminist issue, although some of the same structures are definitely in play in this story). What is a feminist issue, though, is the "what if Trayvon Martin had been female" question (which, incidentally, neatly highlights the necessity for an intersectional approach to feminism). And it does throw into high relief this story of a Florida woman sentenced to 20 years for firing a warning shot to scare away her abusive husband. Florida has joined the list of places I will never visit.

Another place I am never setting foot is Dubai. A Norwegian woman was raped and, when she told the police, convicted of sex outside of marriage and sentenced to a 16 months in prison (her attacker got three months less). That is not terribly surprising, coming from the United Arab Emirates, whose record on women's rights is not altogether stellar (and it is noteworthy, and again unsurprising, that this is in the news because it happened to a Western woman). What did surprise me, though, was the Norwegian state broadcaster's coverage: the article states that while Dubai is a place of some strange laws seen from the Norwegian perspective, "tourists and travellers are safe as long as they follow the law". In a piece about how a woman was raped and then imprisoned. Well done, NRK. (Brazil is also not doing very well, incidentally.)

This glorious list of dubious wisdom, meanwhile, warns that feminism will ruin any relationship in your early 20s (I am glad nobody told Tor, so that I got him safely past it and into his early 30s); note that the problem is feminism, not idiots. Perhaps this is why women are going crazy? Or it could be this.

In other news a baby is being created in a woman's body, and apparently it will take over the world. The happy news of the week is that the No More Page 3 campaign hijacked the creepy Sun live babycam and used it to explain why The Sun is creepy as fuck.

Also, here is a good rant.

July 13: A large part of the news media has been cheering Andy Murray as the first British Wimbledon champion in 70-something years, effortlessly ignoring Virginia Wade and three other women. The BBC's John Inverdale somehow managed to make tennis about looks, and the internet erupted in shock and horror that a woman could win without being a blonde. It is tempting to point out that Bertoli looks lovely, but I won't. Because that is REALLY NOT RELEVANT. She is there to play tennis well. And she did.

In related news, Dustin Hoffman spoke about the epiphany he had, that unattractive women can be interesting (well done for realising).

Boris Johnson is still suffering from foot-in-mouth (having single-handedly killed the appeal of the bumbling fool character), this time suggesting that the reason why Malaysia has 68% women in universities is that they are looking for husbands -- it is unclear what particular mix of racism and sexism made that seem a funny thing to say. This CNN person has a similar problem, apparently completely missing the point of the Barbie vs real girl thing I mentioned last week.

Here, meanwhile, is an interesting meditation on the concept of the "working mother", and you should remember that when a female CEO spends $1 billion on the acquisition of companies, it is called a "shopping spree" (cause that is what women do).

There was also a couple of good op/ed pieces this week: This one on the tendency to "other" sexual abuse; and this one on what a society without legalised abortion looks like (like Chile; and this is how Ireland is faring).

Also, this news makes me want to learn necromancy so that I can raise Jane Austen from the dead and make her eat a selection of brains. Then again, who needs female comedians when we have the Texas Senate?

This week there IS a happy note, and it is about as cool as they get: the best ad you'll see in a while (and to make it even better, the thing it is advertising is itself very cool)!

And in yet another pleasant surprise, the Norwegian state broadcaster, NRK, has made a handy page about cool women pioneers. AND here is a Kickstarter which serves as a reminder that men are also victims of patriarchy, as they are socialised into the structures of thought that belong to it.

July 6: Let's start with a misogyny mash-up in this video of the abuse Julia Gillard received during her tenure as Prime Minister in Australia. The abuse is not only directed at living women, but also long dead ones when they venture onto Twitter. Meanwhile, the Norwegian Pirate Party feels that the fact that they have next to no women is not a problem, according to the party foreman, Øystein Jakobsen, because gender, race and continent does not matter on the internet (spoken like a true oblivious white male from the West).

I feel like there should be a natural segue here to the discussion of female representation in video games. I was mildly pleased by this article, that is until I read the bit about giving the games with women characters a pink theme and "feminine fonts" (which fonts are the feminine ones? Please tell me we get courier). And in 2013, Apple iOS action games still do not have female protagonists (the one that does disguises her gender until the very end). And while we are at it, can we talk about women characters and armour? (Here is the right way to do it.

In fact, this week has provided a plethora of examples of absurd beauty ideals. Baby girls should not be bald, there was this discussion of the requirement to always be chirpy (or a Manic Pixie Dream Girl), and the ever glorious Barbie vs real girls.

Also: Ohio and Egypt. I can't even.

June 29: Starting with the happy news of the week: The utterly despicable News in Briefs (with its suggestion that women cannot be naked, pretty and smart at the same time) is now gone. Good riddance and a hearty "fuck you" to Dominic Mohan. Of course, Page 3 remains.

Meanwhile, the LRB has been making placatory noises about their lack of female writers, but unless they do something significant over the next year, I will not renew my subscription again. Of corse, the LRB are by no means alone in this. As my updates here should demonstrate, this is systemic. That does not mean it should not be fixed, however.

In a weird moment of surrealism, Texas became the focus of feminist hero worship this week, as Wendy Davis gave a 10-hour filibuster against some very dodgy lawmaking on abortion. I must confess I am torn on the subject. Filibustering (while a wonderful word) does not seem like the best way to resolve an issue; however, I am giddy that someone kept the profoundly disturbing Rick Perry from getting what he wants. Of course, once again, the icky people showed up on the internet. Seriously, it is overdue a spring cleaning. Or two.

In what can double as good news and bad news, literary theory wins hands down over analytical philosophy when it comes to citing women. (Philosophy is not doing very well.)

Beginning AND ending on a happy note this week, however: Someone made a Tumblr page dedicated to the wonder that is Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Oh, and it looks like there will be a woman on the next £10 note: Jane Austen (not, alas, Mary Wollstonecraft; but I'll take Austen; Austen is lovely). Maybe Mary Wollstonecraft will follow. Or Ada Lovelace.

June 22: The great story of the week is that Nigella Lawson's husband decided it would be a good idea to choke her in public (not the first public display of controlling behaviour). He dismissed it as a "playful tiff", but accepted a police caution (which means officially admitting guilt). Domestic violence is not playful fun times. And while I am sure the choking could have been part of a perfectly consensual s/m moment, the fact that Lawson was crying and later moved out seems to suggest otherwise. A recent global survey shows that 3 in 10 women experience it, and is comparative to smoking in its impact on women's health. As Juliet E. McKenna observes, it is too simplistic to simply tell women to fight back; and here is a story which deals with the "why doesn't she just speak up/leave" reaction.

Part of the disturbing aspect of this story, however, is probably that it happened in a crowded restaurant without anyone intervening. There are also of course those who consider the preservation of the marriage the top priority. And, unsurprisingly, Nick Griffin leapt at the opportunity to show that he is a creep. (On that note, here is a piece on how creeps are often criminals; someone should tell the arsehole who made this kickstarter).

There is also the running topic of women in the movies (when there are any). The reaction to the casting in the Spiderman reboot (there is a Spiderman reboot?) is telling. They are also rather underrepresented in the LRB (who are currently asking me to renew my subscription, leaving me wondering what to do -- as they simultaneously give me this).

Facebook is still disgusting, and while that is because it is a depressing reflection of society, it remains true that it has a made itself accountable by taking on the job of monitoring and deleting breast-feeding pictures. In a similar vein, The Sun's disgusting Page 3 is now 40 years old. And it is not, of course, the only disgusting thing about that paper.

Finally, while it might be tempting to believe that the idea that a woman should "know her place" is limited to Fox News and their oddities, this is what happened when a 17-year-old started a feminist society at school in Britain.

May 15: One hundred years ago this week, Norwegian women go the vote (all of them, that is; not just the well-to-do). Here is a good article on the development of the Norwegian battle for universal suffrage. In a neat coincidence (or not?), Norway also got universal conscription to military service this week. I must confess I have wanted this since I was a kid (ever the contrarian, I was angry that men were allowed to refuse military service, and I would not have the opportunity to flaunt my pacifist credentials).

However, while women can vote and defend the country (and the first woman went into space 50 years ago), we must not attempt to review man-films like Despicable Me. In fact, according to this Republican politician, we should not use our pretty little female brains for thinking at all (it is bound to fail, what with the world being all complicated).

The Australian PM, Julia Gillard, who a little while back had a very satisfying rant in the Australian Parliament, has had another run-in with ridiculous sexists (it boggles the mind). (But to be fair to Australia, it also has some cool cookies.)

Britain, in another mind-boggling move, voted against teaching children about consent and healthy relationships. I cannot help thinking that the battle should have been to get this to Parliament in the first place, not getting it through once it got there.

And in another example of the "spectacularly rude people" section, which is becoming a thing, Anita Sarkeesian got "feedback". I think it is important to not see these things as unrelated. Here is a piece (not as coherent as it could be, but with valid points) on how objectification is not always sexual. Gillard, Sarkeesian, the approach to female characters in entertainment, keeping women to impossible standards of beauty... it is all about seeing women as women, not people.

June 8: Short and sweet today (I have Master's theses to read). In a historical interlude, this week saw the 100 years since Emily Davison threw herself in front of the King's horse in the Epsom Derby. And while we can now vote, the degrading treatment of women continues, as shown in part by the video made by The Everyday Sexism Project (you can now also donate to help fund the project).

There was also the very strange piece by Judith Woods in the Telegraph, in which Kate Winslet is berated for having three children with three different husbands (oh, the horror). Can you imagine that being written about male celebrities? I don't know what is worse, the stupidity of writing it or the commenters that see no problem with it.

And because these are always worth seeing, a Swedish take on women on magazine covers. If you like that, you will probably also enjoy the more geeky Hawkeye Initiative.

But the really big question of the week is of course whether there can be a female Doctor. I am generally not in favour, especially if Moffat is writing it (although I must say I enjoyed Joanna Lumley in The Curse of Fatal Death), but I have been a little baffled by the shock and horror at the idea (most beloved aspect of the Doctor = penis?). Seriously, wouldn't Helen Mirren be perfect?

June 1: In the early parts of this week, Facebook was still going strong with the crazy. They seemed to take a particularly dastardly turn by deleting people's reporting history and publishing statements that there was no problem whatsoever and could we all just go away now please. But then, on Tuesday, someone with a bit more sense clearly came back to the office (and I have mental images of a fit being thrown), because Facebook made a complete about-turn. I am somewhat impressed (less so with what preceded it).

This week also saw the Cannes film festival, with its Palme d'Or, which offered five times as many filmes about female prostitutes as filmes by female directors. It also gave Roman Polanski the opportunity to say stupid things about how women's control over their reproductive system has killed romance, and how it is apparently indecent to give women flowers.

Unsurprisingly, the proudly politically incorrect crawled out of the woodwork when a study showed that mothers are the sole or primary breadwinner in four out of ten households with children (and that women increasingly like to work full-time). There was the The Bible sez that the wife outearning her husband will make him sad argument, and of course Fox news thinks it means society is dissolving, because science. People are actually saying this, as if it is an acceptable thing to say.

Happy news of the week: Anita Sarkeesian published her second Damsel in Distress video. It was of course quickly taken down again, as the dredges of the internet came out to report it (incidentally, I imagine these are the same people as those who argued against taking down the Facebook rape and domestic violence pages because of "free speech"). This was not surprising. What surprised me a little was that not only was the video automatically taken down (apparently, if enough people flag it, that is done as a precaution), but someone with a human brain and eyes then confirmed this take-down; the video was restored when Sarkeesian appealed this first decision. Can we stop with the stupid now, please? Also, go watch the video. And you could also do worse than read this on how women have been fighters, too.

May 25: This week my boycott list suddenly got rather longer. I bring you the campaign to end gender-based hate speech on Facebook (I have never been happier to be without a Facebook account). Facebook, as I am sure you are aware, has had a long history of banning breastfeeding pictures, photos of breast cancer survivors and their mastectomy scars, feminist campaigns and more feminist campaigns. This is because they have user guidelines against "obscenity" and "pornography"(something which itself does not seem to function optimally).

What they do not have guidelines against is graphic content that encourages violence against women. Have a look at these examples of the atrocious things they allow (trigger warnings galore). Reporting these pages yourself will therefore often not get you anything beyond a polite note that Facebook has looked at it and found nothing that contravenes the guidelines.

The problem with Facebook is that as users you are not really their customers (as people have often observed, you are the product); they therefore have little incentive to listen. Once logic and human decency fails, the only way to get a company like Facebook to change its mind is therefore to target its advertising revenue (although I am sure cancelling your Facebook account wouldn't hurt). The campaign has therefore centered on trying to get the advertisers to put pressure on Facebook. With some, but depressingly limited, success.

I would, for example, have expected Dove, whose brand identity revolves around supporting women against sexism, to take this seriously. They haven't (thereby losing about a million points and any and all good will they may have accumulated with their semi-sensible advertisements). Audible has taken it even further, deleting any criticism from its Facebook page (and according to reports, blocking people who mention it). A number of others are making sympathetic noises, but hiding behind what appears to be deliberately obtuse talk of not being able to control what content their ads end up next to. Which is such an extreme example of missing the point that I am seriously concerned for the minds that run businesses these days. Here and here and here is some further reading.

Argh. So, I am angry and in a boycotting mood. Who's with me?

The good news? Someone made a nifty set of snarky fake ads that should be spread around the internet as soon as possible.

Has anything else happened this week, you ask? Well, there was the deeply silly handling of the criticism against Star Trek, and some odd ESC stuff in Norwegian papers. More interestingly, perhaps, a new study on men who rape was released in Norway. I haven't read it yet, but it looks interesting.

May 18: This week, Disney lost all the "not entirely evil" points they had accumulated by proxy through Pixar's Brave by turning Merida into a fucking princess. And by "princess" I mean unnaturally skinny and well groomed (complete with orderly curls and make-up), without those pesky weapons. Shame on Disney. Brenda Chapman, the woman who made Merida, is not happy with them, either.

Wouldn't it be great if little girls could be told that they could be Disney princesses (which, while not my life goal, does seem to have a strange appeal for some) without having to conform to such an absurdly narrow and unhealthy feminine ideal? There is enough of that elsewhere. And yes, "elsewhere" includes the film industry (seriously: it is actually moving down-hill, and they are left to pass off the same-old damsel in distress as empowerment).

The reactions to Angelina Jolie's announcement that she is having a double mastectomy (which, incidentally: well done!) illustrate the problem of the film industry's way of treating women. The Gist made this hi-larious headline (because this is all about her being a sex object). And the internet showed itself from its usual charming side as men came out sympathising with the plight of Brad Pitt. Because women are not people.

This is not limited to Hollywood culture. Reddit is as good an illustration as any. And if you had any doubts that UKIP should go in the nutty pile, one of their donors confirmed it recently with his statement that women should not wear trousers, because

This is hostile behaviour - they are deliberately dressing in a way that is opposite to what men would like.

So, yes. It has been a depressing week. Not helped by more same-old rape culture from a Hong Kong official. We've been over this before. Amnesty has recently done some research on Norwegian attitudes to rape, however; it seems to suggest that the Norwegian education system is failing women quite spectacularly. P3 had a documentary on the most common form of rape (which not done by the stranger lurking in the bushes). I confess I am a little shocked to learn that according to Amnesty's research, 1 in 4 Norwegians consider a women partially responsible for the rape if they joined the man at a nachspiel. And that 28% of Norwegian men consider a woman partially responsible if she flirted with the man. Seriously? Who are these people? What is wrong with them?

Um, yeah. So I guess Angelina Jolie talking about her double mastectomy was this week's happy note. You can comfort yourself with some science fiction written by women, if you like.

May 11: First off: wow. Yes, that links you to the horror film in which feminists will kill you. There are also people in the real world who think Women have the magic power to affect tectonic plates with their clothes.

Moreover, this week gave us a very strange piece by Barbara Hewson, a lawyer who thinks the age of consent should be lowered to 13 so that the post-Savile round-up can stop hurting the poor old lechers. It is kicked around a bit here. Seriously.

In other news, the world should band together to make sure Eddie Cuffin never procreates. It shouldn't be too hard.

This week notably saw the rescue of three women who had been held captive, beaten and raped for a decade. Here is an article on the link to domestic violence. Here is an article on the perception of female purity, which contains some interesting observations from Elizabeth Smart, who was also kidnapped and held for a long time. And here is one on the practice of bride kidnapping in Kyrgyzstan.

On a happier note: The No More Page 3 campaign hit 100 000 signatures this week. I assume you are among them. Here is how The Sun responds.

On another happy note: Here is a song about The Princess Who Saved Herself (will provide happy mental images of a dragon drinking tea).

May 4: In honour of May the 4th (be with you) I thought I'd start on a sci fi note: Here is a blog asking why women are always in tubes in the future. Seriously, have a look at these old sci fi illustrations. Is this still going on? I do not know, but I know that Uhura is a liability beacuase she loves too much. That is right: they seem be taking her character in precisely the direction I was afraid of. She holds the crew together with her compassion? She is supposed to be a kick-ass linguist, not an embodiment of femininity!

In other news, the Times Higher Education Gender Index was interesting. I would still have liked to see some graphic representation of the difference between temporary staff, mid-level lecturers and full professors, though. At any rate, Norway is behind Turkey (so is everyone else).

Norway has also been scaring me lately, as Høyre have decided they are all in favour of freedom of choice, except where women's bodies are concerned: they are attempting to limit abortion. That KrF is taking the loony path should not be a surprise, but I had expected different things from Høyre.

The loony fringe is at it in Britain as well: One of UKIP's men has declared that businesses should not employ women of childbearing age. UKIP had a bit of a scary election this week (scaring me, that is). Political nutters are fine, but they have an uncanny tendency to seep into majority politics.

On a happier note: One of the US colleges finally decied to do something about its rape problem, rather than ignore it and assign book reports as punishment for the offenders.

April 27: I am in Berlin and have been blissfully oblivious (without internet) most of this past week, hence the sparsity of this entry. I have learnt, however, that there is a War on Men, according to some (positively disturbing) concerned citizens. I have heard of these guys before (notably Eivind Berge, who famously endorsed rape), and it never ceases to amaze me. The Men's Rights Movement also pops up in less violent ways, like seeing attempts to create women-only spaces in traditionally male dominated areas (like the gym or a poker tournament) as an attack on men. It always makes me a little sad, mainly because there are a lot of ways in which men are also oppressed by the structures of a patriarchal society, and it would therefore benefit them to join feminism in the fight against them, rather than to try to create yet another binary opposition. I suspect the problem is that many of these people find thinking a little difficult, though. 

While I have been railing on about The Sun (and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future -- have you signed The No more page 3 petition?), there are still problems at home. Let's fix that. 

I am also rather dismayed that Wikipedia has decided to join the Dark Side. I guess it was inevitable: if you have people who are not trained in questioning problematic structures of thought in a society doing the editing, the edited result will reflect those structures of thought. Until someone points out how stupid it is. Which someone has now done. I guess that is today's happy note.

April 20: Sometimes my eternal optimism takes a beating. This has been one of those weeks. This is in part because it has been a week of in-fighting in the feminist world, and if there is one thing that depresses me beyond any other, it is feminists using silencing tactics on each other (as if there weren't enough other people out to do just that to us). This week, Helen Lewis was the target, but not too long ago the same thing happened to Suzanne Moore (who had inarticulately been trying to make this point), and before that there was someone else. Here are the particulars of one such "conversation".

As Zoe Williams points out in this comment piece, the importance of intersectionality to feminism is obvious (you cannot be against one type of structural discrimination without opposing them all), and there is no doubt that feminism has had a problem of privileging a white, middle-class female experience as "universal womanhood" (which is often unhelpful, becuase prejudices like to band together). But the idea that you cannot speak except about your own particular experience would shut down the feminist movement as a movement all too quickly. And we cannot afford that, because we need to kick Facebook somewhere where it hurts, and gape in open-mouthed astonishment at people like this.

This week also saw the one-year anniversary of The Everyday Sexism Project, which has been a great combination of depressing and uplifting. Depressing because of the stories it highlights (and the repetitive nature of these stories); uplifting because it actually manages to highlight them, and to show why experiences which on their own are often dismissed as a joke or even a compliment are insidious, overwhelming and downright bad.

There have also been one or two comments about the unhealthily thin beauty ideal this week (with reports that model agencies are using anorexia clinics as a hunting ground). I have a horrible feeling, however, that "the beauty ideal is unhealthy" and "models are too thin" has become meaningless phrases because they have been repeated so often. Like "bottle neck", we no longer stop to think about what the words mean -- it is just how it is. And I am left want to kick something.

This, however, is also the subject of this week's happy note: Dove has made it the central point of their latest ad, in which women describe themselves to a forensic artist, and are then in turn described by others. It is a nifty way of highlighting the sometimes crippling self-criticism that the beauty ideals of our society force on women. This, LEGO, is what you should do in advertisements.

April 13: Margaret Thatcher died. This is feminist news, how? you may ask. After all, the woman famously declared feminism "poison" and claimed she had received no help from women's liberation (glorious expression of the absurdity of her belief in the independence of the individual). Feminism has, to a large extent, cordially returned the feeling. But it really is interesting to see the glee with which her death has been celebrated, despite the fact that she has not been a force in British politics for decades. (Not to mentioned the gendered quality of the words used about her on places like Twitter -- as someone observed, calling Thatcher a "slut" seems a little beside the point.)

I was also intrigued by assertions like "The first prime minister of female gender, OK. But a woman? Not on my terms", which raises the question of what exactly makes someone a woman. But I think on of the best comments was actually made by Russel Brand (I know!): "Barack Obama, interestingly, said in his statement that she had 'broken the glass ceiling for other women'. Only in the sense that all the women beneath her were blinded by falling shards. She is an icon of individualism, not of feminism."

This week also saw Equal Pay Day celebrated in America. According to this piece women in 2013 earned what men did in 2011. While not as dire as America, there is a definitely gendered pay discrepancy in Norway as well.

The Everyday Sexism Project has been pointing out that while Facebook bans images of women breastfeeding (the horror), they happily display pages endorsing rape and domestic violence. Ask me again why I'm not on Facebook. Everyday Sexism also had a campaign this week, on the sexual harassment of women on public transport. You can find some harrowing stories under #endsh on Twitter.

If you had a look at that, you will be very ready for some good news right about now. And here it is: change is possible. Mariam Chamberlain, one of the pioneers in gender studies, died last week, and this lovely article looks at how much things have changed in academia with the advent of this approach. It makes me happy.

April 6: While you may be a pioneering rocket scientist, your main asset will still be cooking if you are female (or so the first version of New York Times obituary for Yvonne Brill would seem to suggest). Explore offered this photo as a corrective.

Syria, as our very own foreign minister has observed, is fast becoming the new Balkan in terms of rape as a weapon of war (the aftermath of which has been a topic here before). I am not suggesting this is a weapon which only affects women, but it does so disproportionally (like hunger). And it is not limited to Syria.

In more upbeat news: There is a Women in the World summit going on (organised by the Women in the World Foundation), which seems to have gathered together all the big hitters, and which is covering a plethora of interesting issues. Of course, it must come as no surprise that part of the media coverage has taken care of more vital issues, like whether Angelina Jolie is Stylish or Sloppy in her sartorial choices at the event.

March 30: After last week, I shied away from the news a bit. As a result, I am now more well balanced. Somewhat. As a side effect, I have less to show the class; I have, however, managed to gather a few observations.

Bleeding over from the depressing depths that were last week, Public Shaming had a good commentary on the 40 hottest women in tech debacle and the desperate attempt to make it appear acceptable ("we used normal looking women!"). Sexism is always more fun with a side of snide comments.

In happier news: The news broke that the BBC launched a database on "expert women" in order to help their journalists diversify their sources. It has been a bit of a problem. It will be interesting to see if the database has any effect on their actual output, but it is good that they are trying. In a world where women are not socialised to put themselves forward as experts, and where the word still too often means "white middleclass man", a public broadcaster like the BBC has a special responsibility to help change perceptions.

Oh, and President Obama has nominated the first female head of the Secret Service.

It helps take the edge off the realisation that there has not been a single female writer in the last 60 episodes of Doctor Who, and only one since the show's reboot in 2005.

March 23: The world can be a depressing place to wake up to, and social media is making the idiots I have spent much of my life shielding myself from all the more accessible. I cannot tell whether that is good or bad. At any rate: The rapists of the Steubenville case were convicted and sentenced, and all the maggots crawled out of their lairs and onto Twitter.

The Public Shaming Tumblr page (which will be very useful when the revolution comes) has gathered some of the atrocious fuckwits in four posts so far: Read this, this and this (and this on how it is not limited to the Steubenville case). Can we just get this out of the way and into the open in case there was ANY DOUBT? If you see a girl (or, you know, a boy) passed out drunk, you DO NOT HAVE SEX WITH HER (or, indeed, him) or stick things into the openings of their body. I'd have thought that was clear. The phenomenon you are encountering here is called rape culture, in its current incarnation of victim blaming ("if you go down a dark street/drink/wear X it is really your own fault if you get raped") and slut shaming ("this woman is not pure enough to be raped"), with a dash of "men cannot help themselves" (were I a man, I would be horribly insulted by the assumptions of rape culture).

If you are dismissing this as a simple case of "idiots online", you would be wrong. CNN (in)famously did a horrendous job of it, with their reporter going off on a rant about the poor boys and how the verdict had ruined their lives (not, you know, that fact that they chose to rape). (If you feel inspired to tell CNN to go fuck themselves, signing this may help.) The CNN story is indicative of a wider pattern. And here's another piece on all of this for good measure.

Give me a moment to breathe. I get angry.

Now. Today's dose of "boys can't be expected to play a girl in a game". Never mind the fact that girls have somehow survived playing boys for years.

I don't have happy news to end on. In fact, this week just kept getting more and more depressing. Lucy Meadows, who was an innocent caught up in the tabloid monstering of trans men and women, probably killed herself this week. If you have time, I recommend you read the TransMediaWatch's submission to the Leveson inquiry.

On a more upbeat note, I Fucking Love Science came out as a woman (not having Facebook, I had never heard of it and couldn't take part in the shock and outrage). Actually, that is not quite what happened, but going by the responses you'd have thought it was some shameful secret she had sneakily kept quiet in order to spring it on the unsuspecting public at the right moment.

Even my upbeat notes are depressing. It's been that kind of week in feminismland.

March 17: (Yes, I was supposed to do this yesterday; I plead marking).
This was always going to be about highlighting tendencies, and here is the first one: Epad femme has finally arrived (how did we do without it; oh, yes, that's right; just like everyone else). See also, from earlier years, this Ellen video on Bic for her. Not the end of the world? Not as insidious as LEGO Friends? Maybe not; but damned annoying and insulting.

In other news, there was a good article on rape in literature and films in The New Statesman. And meanwhile, the rest of the world is going steadily to hell in a handbasket -- especially if you are a woman in a conflict zone, but also elsewhere.

And ending on the upbeat note again (because it is good for mental health): the Veronica Mars kickstarter is looking very healthy, demonstrating once again (to those who doubt it) that kick-ass women as protagonists is not a way to lose an audience.

March 9: To get us started: once again showed itself to thrive at the nadir of human decency last week, helping to sell "Keep Calm and Rape A Lot" t-shirts (produced by Solid Gold Bomb), as well as "Keep calm and Hit Her" and variations thereof, accidentally demonstrating that algorithms hate women, too. Except, while the claim is that the t-shirts were automatically generated by matching an inane slogan with random verbs, "keep calm and +verb" does not give any result for a number of other verbs. Moreover, according to reports, "her" (not "him") was added at the end of a number of these t-shirts. I am no computer expert, so for all I know there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for this.

In a more upbeat segment: Feminist Frequency has finally published the first video in the Tropes vs Women in Video Games series, which caused such consternation and misogynistic dimwittery (yes, I made up that word) when it was launched. Please watch it.


Version 1

Camilla, 09.03.13 12:15

Version 2

Camilla, 09.03.13 16:42

Version 3

Camilla, 09.03.13 16:44

Version 4

Camilla, 17.03.13 08:11

Version 5

Camilla, 17.03.13 08:15

Version 6

Camilla, 17.03.13 08:16

Version 7

Camilla, 17.03.13 08:21

Version 8

Camilla, 17.03.13 08:23

Version 9

Camilla, 17.03.13 08:32

Version 10

Camilla, 17.03.13 08:47

Version 11

Camilla, 17.03.13 09:47

Version 12

Camilla, 17.03.13 15:56

Version 13

Camilla, 23.03.13 09:14

Version 14

Camilla, 23.03.13 09:15

Version 15

Camilla, 23.03.13 09:16

Version 16

Camilla, 23.03.13 09:17

Version 17

Camilla, 23.03.13 22:28

Version 18

Camilla, 30.03.13 12:39

Version 19

Camilla, 06.04.13 10:21

Version 20

Camilla, 06.04.13 10:29

Version 21

Camilla, 06.04.13 10:30

Version 22

Camilla, 13.04.13 12:35

Version 23

Camilla, 13.04.13 12:38

Version 24

Camilla, 13.04.13 12:50

Version 25

Camilla, 13.04.13 12:53

Version 26

Camilla, 20.04.13 11:46

Version 27

Camilla, 20.04.13 11:47

Version 28

Camilla, 20.04.13 11:49

Version 29

Camilla, 20.04.13 11:51

Version 30

Camilla, 20.04.13 12:01

Version 31

Camilla, 27.04.13 14:00

Version 32

Camilla, 27.04.13 14:01

Version 33

Camilla, 04.05.13 09:51

Version 34

Camilla, 04.05.13 10:04

Version 35

Camilla, 11.05.13 14:13

Version 36

Camilla, 11.05.13 14:14

Version 37

Camilla, 11.05.13 14:14

Version 38

Camilla, 11.05.13 14:16

Version 39

Camilla, 11.05.13 14:17

Version 40

Camilla, 18.05.13 10:47

Version 41

Camilla, 18.05.13 10:49

Version 42

Camilla, 18.05.13 10:50

Version 43

Camilla, 18.05.13 10:54

Version 44

Camilla, 19.05.13 11:24

Version 45

Camilla, 25.05.13 10:23

Version 46

Camilla, 25.05.13 10:24

Version 47

Camilla, 25.05.13 10:25

Version 48

Camilla, 25.05.13 10:31

Version 49

Camilla, 25.05.13 10:33

Version 50

Camilla, 25.05.13 10:36

Version 51

Camilla, 25.05.13 10:37

Version 52

Camilla, 25.05.13 10:51

Version 53

Camilla, 25.05.13 11:05

Version 54

Camilla, 25.05.13 11:06

Version 55

Camilla, 25.05.13 11:07

Version 56

Camilla, 25.05.13 11:43

Version 57

Camilla, 01.06.13 09:40

Version 58

Camilla, 01.06.13 09:57

Version 59

Camilla, 08.06.13 12:28

Version 60

Camilla, 08.06.13 12:30

Version 61

Camilla, 15.06.13 10:31

Version 62

Camilla, 15.06.13 10:38

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Camilla, 15.06.13 10:39

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Camilla, 15.06.13 10:40

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Camilla, 15.06.13 10:43

Version 66

Camilla, 22.06.13 10:58

Version 67

Camilla, 22.06.13 11:02

Version 68

Camilla, 22.06.13 11:10

Version 69

Camilla, 22.06.13 11:13

Version 70

Camilla, 22.06.13 11:16

Version 71

Camilla, 22.06.13 11:18

Version 72

Camilla, 22.06.13 12:58

Version 73

Camilla, 22.06.13 12:59

Version 74

Camilla, 22.06.13 13:00

Version 75

Camilla, 29.06.13 00:47

Version 76

Camilla, 29.06.13 00:48

Version 77

Camilla, 29.06.13 00:54

Version 78

Camilla, 06.07.13 09:31

Version 79

Camilla, 06.07.13 09:34

Version 80

Camilla, 06.07.13 09:38

Version 81

Camilla, 13.07.13 00:03

Version 82

Camilla, 13.07.13 00:05

Version 83

Camilla, 13.07.13 00:08

Version 84

Camilla, 20.07.13 05:38

Version 85

Camilla, 20.07.13 06:01

Version 86

Camilla, 27.07.13 09:06

Version 87

Camilla, 27.07.13 09:07

Version 88

Camilla, 27.07.13 09:08

Version 89

Camilla, 27.07.13 09:10

Version 90

Camilla, 27.07.13 09:13

Version 91

Camilla, 27.07.13 09:30

Version 92

Camilla, 03.08.13 10:01

Version 93

Camilla, 03.08.13 10:03

Version 94

Camilla, 03.08.13 10:05

Version 95

Camilla, 09.08.13 23:59

Version 96

Camilla, 10.08.13 00:01

Version 97

Camilla, 10.08.13 00:02

Version 98

Camilla, 10.08.13 00:04

Version 99

Camilla, 17.08.13 11:09

Version 100

Camilla, 17.08.13 11:16

Version 101

Camilla, 17.08.13 11:18

Version 102

Camilla, 17.08.13 11:20

Version 103

Camilla, 24.08.13 12:57

Version 104

Camilla, 24.08.13 12:59

Version 105

Camilla, 24.08.13 13:01

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Camilla, 24.08.13 13:11

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Camilla, 24.08.13 14:08

Version 108

Camilla, 24.08.13 19:05

Version 109

Camilla, 31.08.13 12:40

Version 110

Camilla, 07.09.13 10:12

Version 111

Camilla, 07.09.13 10:22

Version 112

Camilla, 07.09.13 10:24

Version 113

Camilla, 14.09.13 10:18

Version 114

Camilla, 14.09.13 10:20

Version 115

Camilla, 14.09.13 10:25

Version 116

Camilla, 14.09.13 10:56

Version 117

Camilla, 14.09.13 11:13

Version 118

Camilla, 21.09.13 12:53

Version 119

Camilla, 21.09.13 12:57

Version 120

Camilla, 21.09.13 12:58

Version 121

Camilla, 21.09.13 13:00

Version 122

Camilla, 21.09.13 13:00

Version 123

Camilla, 21.09.13 13:03

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Camilla, 21.09.13 13:05

Version 125

Camilla, 28.09.13 14:02

Version 126

Camilla, 05.10.13 12:09

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Camilla, 05.10.13 12:10

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Camilla, 05.10.13 12:19

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Camilla, 05.10.13 12:20

Version 130

Camilla, 05.10.13 22:21

Version 131

Camilla, 12.10.13 12:42

Version 132

Camilla, 12.10.13 12:45

Version 133

Camilla, 19.10.13 13:28

Version 134

Camilla, 19.10.13 13:32

Version 135

Camilla, 26.10.13 13:28

Version 136

Camilla, 26.10.13 13:30

Version 137

Camilla, 26.10.13 13:37

Version 138

Camilla, 26.10.13 13:38

Version 139

Camilla, 02.11.13 09:17

Version 140

Camilla, 02.11.13 09:17

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Camilla, 02.11.13 09:19

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Camilla, 02.11.13 09:20

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Camilla, 02.11.13 09:22

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Camilla, 02.11.13 09:25

Version 145

Camilla, 02.11.13 09:34

Version 146

Camilla, 09.11.13 08:54

Version 147

Camilla, 09.11.13 09:00

Version 148

Camilla, 17.11.13 00:21

Version 149

Camilla, 17.11.13 00:23

Version 150

Camilla, 17.11.13 00:25

Version 151

Camilla, 23.11.13 09:42

Version 152

Camilla, 30.11.13 22:08

Version 153

Camilla, 30.11.13 22:11

Version 154

Camilla, 07.12.13 11:56

Version 155

Camilla, 07.12.13 11:59

Version 156

Camilla, 14.12.13 15:31

Version 157

Camilla, 14.12.13 15:35

Version 158

Camilla, 14.12.13 15:39

Version 159

Camilla, 21.12.13 12:15

Version 160

Camilla, 21.12.13 12:17

Version 161

Camilla, 28.12.13 12:29

Version 162

Camilla, 28.12.13 12:32

Version 163

Camilla, 28.12.13 12:41

Version 164

Camilla, 04.01.14 21:05

Version 165

Camilla, 04.01.14 21:07

Version 166

Camilla, 11.01.14 11:40

Version 167

Camilla, 11.01.14 11:49

Version 168

Camilla, 11.01.14 12:04

Version 169

Camilla, 18.01.14 14:24

Version 170

Camilla, 18.01.14 14:27

Version 171

Camilla, 18.01.14 14:31

Version 172

Camilla, 18.01.14 14:32

Version 173

Camilla, 18.01.14 14:35

Version 174

Camilla, 18.01.14 14:38

Version 175

Camilla, 25.01.14 13:59

Version 176

Camilla, 25.01.14 14:01

Version 177

Camilla, 25.01.14 14:02

Version 178

Camilla, 25.01.14 14:04

Version 179

Camilla, 01.02.14 10:14

Version 180

Camilla, 01.02.14 10:24

Version 181

Camilla, 01.02.14 10:26

Version 182

Camilla, 08.02.14 11:08

Version 183

Camilla, 08.02.14 11:10

Version 184

Camilla, 08.02.14 11:12

Version 185

Camilla, 15.02.14 14:18

Version 186

Camilla, 15.02.14 14:21

Version 187

Camilla, 22.02.14 12:16

Version 188

Camilla, 22.02.14 12:18

Version 189

Camilla, 22.02.14 12:20

Version 190

Camilla, 01.03.14 11:24

Version 191

Camilla, 01.03.14 11:45

Version 192

Camilla, 01.03.14 19:14

Version 193

Camilla, 08.03.14 12:03

Version 194

Camilla, 08.03.14 12:06

Version 195

Camilla, 08.03.14 12:09

Version 196

Camilla, 11.03.14 07:42